Stream could not be started: No tracks have been added to the general rotation playlist(s) for this stream. At least one general rotation track must be available to start the stream.
This is a common error for those who do NOT wish to use Auto-DJ. By default, all of our servers are now setup with Auto-DJ Enabled. Meaning, to start the server you must have audio tracks uploaded. If you wish to use only the encoder process, please follow the steps outlined below:
- Login to the Media Control Panel
- Click ‘Settings’; Located on the left navigation bar, under the Configuration header
- Click the ‘AutoDJ’ tab
- Change the ‘AutoDJ Status’ drop-down box to ‘Disabled’
- Click Update
- Attempt to Start your server
That should do it! If you still receive this error after completing the above steps, please submit a ticket to the Support Department for further investigation.